Principal Investigator

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Kevin J Anchukaitis
Professor of Earth Systems Geography
Joint Appointment, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Joint Appointment, Department of Geosciences
Affiliate, Latin American Studies
School of Geography, Development and Environment
ENR2 Building, Office S514
github: kanchukaitis
Google Scholar: [link]
cv: [PDF]

Kevin is a climate scientist, paleoclimatologist, dendrochronologist, and earth systems geographer specializing in the reconstruction and analysis of climate variability and change over the Common Era and the interactions between climate and human society. He uses an array of techniques to develop and interpret evidence for past, present, and future climate dynamics across a range of temporal and spatial scales, from local to global and interannual to millennial. These include dendroclimatology, climate field reconstruction and spatiotemporal data analysis, stable and radiogenic isotopes, forward and numerical modeling of paleoclimate proxies, and the integration of paleoclimate data with climate models. He holds joint faculty appointments in Geosciences and the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, is affiliated faculty in Latin American Studies, and is currently the chair of the Graduate Interdisciplinary Program in Global Change.

Graduate Students

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Kira Harris
Ph.D. student, Geography
M.A. 2022, Geography

Kira received a B.S. in Earth Systems Sciences from the Ohio State University. Her previous research focused on how sedimentology and riverbed morphology affect surface water-groundwater interactions. She also helped develop the Virtual Ice Explorer, a virtual field experience tool that allows people to explore remote polar and alpine field sites visited by researchers at the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. She is interested in multi-proxy paleoclimatology, organic geochemistry, dendroclimatology, and climate field reconstructions. Her Masters thesis research was on variability and trends across multiple timescales (decadal to millennial) in the North American Monsoon during the Holocene. Her Ph.D. research continues to focus on Pleistocene and Holocene climate variability in the North American Monsoon region using novel geochemical proxies. Outside of research, she enjoys running, hiking, and learning about new plants and rocks.
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Isabel González Méndez
Ph.D. student, Geography
Master's 2024, Geography

Isabel joined the lab in Fall 2022. She graduated from Universidad Rafael Landivar, Guatemala, with a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences. She then worked at the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology,and Hydrology (INSIVUMEH) as the research coordinator of the Climate Change unit in the department of Research and Meteorological Services. Her Master's research focused on lowland tropical dendrochronology in Mesoamerica and pioneering the use of new species in order to study the climate mechanisms that shape precipitation and temperature variability in this region. She received her Master's in May 2024 and continues on in the Ph.D. program, with new research on tropical dendroclimatology, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon.

Research Staff

Dr. Kiyomi Morino
Assistant Research Professor

Postdoctoral Reseachers

Would you like to join us as a postdoctoral research scholar working on paleoclimatology? Check out our Opportunities page for national fellowships or current openings

Undergraduate Students and Interns

Francisca Molina
B.A., Environmental Studies and Law

Former Lab Members

Dr. Julie Edwards
Ph.D. Geography (2024)
Now - NSF AGS Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UC Santa Barbara
Dr. Talia Anderson
Ph.D. Geography (2024)
Now - NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Research Fellow, UCLA
Ifeoluwa Ale
B.S. 2024, Computer Science (Honors)
Now - Software Engineer at Amazon
Natalianna Ferrara
B.A., Anthropology and History
Ellie Neifeld
Master's Student
Now - Lead Naturalist, Eastern Sierra Interpretive Association
Dr. Jonathan King
Ph.D. Geosciences (2022)
Now - USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Golden, CO
Dr. Nicolas Gauthier
Postdoctoral Fellow
Now - Assistant Curator (tenure track) of AI for Biological and Cultural Diversity at the Florida Museum of Natural History at University of Florida
Zanubia Sethuraju
Undergraduate Honors Student
B.A. Environmental Studies (2022)
Dr. Bethany Coulthard
Postdoctoral Fellow
Now - Marine Projects Supervisor, Cowichan Tribes, British Columbia
Andrea Lara-Garcia
Undergraduate Honors Student
B.A., B.S. Political Science & Urban and Regional Development (2021)
Now - Graduate student, University of California, Berkeley
Dr. Jessie Pearl
Ph.D. Geosciences (2019)
Now - Scientist, The Nature Conservancy
Dr. Gloria Jimenez
Ph.D. Geosciences (2018)
Now - Climate Specialist, Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
Dr. Manuel Hernandez
SOARS Protege/WHOI Summer Student
Now - Catastrophe Analyst, Liberty Mutual
Laura Fleming
Undergraduate Co-op Student (Northeastern University)
& Graduate Student, MIT/WHOI Joint Program
Now - The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard