Climate change, water, and society

I was the final speaker in the 2021 University of Arizona
College of Science Lecture Series on water.
My talk looked at the interactions between climate variability, climate change, and human society past, present, and future.
Guardabosques, a documentary about our Guatemala research

Filmmaker and photographer
Mari Cleven from the
Office of Research, Discovery, and Innovation accompanied us on fieldwork in western Guatemala. The first of her short films from the trip -
Guardabosques - connects our research on rainfall variability with the livelihoods and vulnerability of the communities in the western highlands of Guatemala. This research has been made possible by the National Science Foundation (BCS 0852652 and BCS 1263609), the National Geographic Society, and the Fulbright Program. Mari Cleven won a
2018 Emmy Award (Rocky Mountain Southwest) for the film.
National Geographic Short Films Showcase

Mari Cleven's short film about how our research can help understand climate variability and threats to coffee is
featured at National Geographic's Short Films ShowcaseCoffee and Climate in Central America
Emily Litvack from the University of Arizona wrote about
the connection between our dendrochronology work in Guatemala and the future of coffee. Filmmaker
Mari Cleven's second film about our research examines the links between climate change, coffee, and rural livelihoods in Guatemala. Our Guatemala research has been made possible by the National Science Foundation (BCS 0852652 and BCS 1263609), the National Geographic Society, and the Fulbright Program.
Exploring the connection between climate and human society

I had a chance to
talk with Tim Swindle of the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Lab on Arizona Science about how studying interactions between past climate variability and societal response can tell us something about the challenges we face from climate change today.
Mediterranean Drought on the BBC

After the publication of our paper on
Mediterranean drought of the last millennium, I had the chance to talk with Tom Hagler on BBC's Newday about
tree rings and Mediterranean drought.
Forecast podcast with Michael White
Michael White and I talk about a range of topics - from Georgetown, to dendrochronology, to climate and civilization and collapse, the extinction of the Golden Toad, and volcanoes - on his podcast,

Doing Climate Science in a Political Environment (Arizona Public Media)
I had the chance to talk with Andrea Kelly on AZPM's Metro Week about climate science and politics. You can see the interview
here (minute 2:30 and onward).

Climate History Podcast with Dagomar Degroot

talked about the intersection of paleoclimatology and environmental history with
Dr. Dagomar Degroot from
Georgetown University on the
Climate History PodcastFeatured in Science

Mara Hvistendahl and
Christina Larson accompanied us on fieldwork in Mongolia in 2012 and wrote a news feature for
Science about our research. Mara's main article, 'Roots of Empire' is available
here, while Christina's feature (pictured above) is available
here. The results of this research were published in 2014 in
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science: Pederson, Hessl et al., '
Pluvials, Droughts, the Mongol Empire, and Modern Mongolia'.
Christina Larson also wrote a related piece that included our monsoon research, '
Gauging the Impact of Warming On Asia’s Life-Giving Monsoons' for Yale's Environment 360, based in part on her trip to Mongolia.
New York Times, Scientist at Work

I blogged about our (field) research on climate change and drought in Guatemala at the New York Times'
Scientist at Work blog.
Other Links and Media
Science published
one of my photos from our fieldwork in Vietnam.
Andy Nelson wrote about our work in Vietnam in the
Christian Science Monitor in November 2009, in an article that features his amazing photographs. I was part of a Scientific American
podcast, hosted by
Steve Mirsky, about tree rings.
Columbia Magazine had a feature on our southeast Asia research,
What Happened to Angkor? in Spring 2010. The 2008-2010 Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory Biennial Report has a feature on our
Central American research [PDF]. Science teacher Susy Ellison accompanied me to the Arctic in July 2011 for field research and
blogged about it here for the
PolarTREC program. I was interviewed for a story on
What Ancient Civilizations Can Teach Us about Drought on the Yale Forum on Climate Change and the Media.
Michael Lemonick wrote
an article that included my work at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Tree Ring Lab for
Climate Central. I also quoted in this
Climate Central article about the 2013-2014 California Drought. I'm quoted in
this story about environmental science at Georgetown University, my alma mater. My research is featured in an article in
Storms, Floods, and Droughts [PDF]. I'm quoted in
an article about the 2014 droughts across the Americas. I talked with Jim Dalrymple from Buzzfeed in April 2015 about
California drought. I'm quoted in this
Scientific American article about volcanoes and climate. The University of Arizona and several other media outlets used one of my photos to
illustrate a story about
research on Sierra Nevada snowpack by Soumaya Belmecheri and her colleagues. I'm quoted in t
his Climate Central story about California drought and atmospheric rivers. I provided some perspective and commentary on a 1200 year hydroclimate reconstruction and model/data comparison
for CarbonBrief. I talked to
John Upton at
Climate Central about
climate change, wildfire, and human health and
about the role of anthropogenic warming on wildfire. I talked to Tom Beal at the Arizona Daily Star
about old trees in Asia. Our work on climate and paleoclimate in Guatemala was featured in the
Daily Wildcat and on
KVOA in Tucson.
This article in Pacific Standard describes tree-ring research on drought in California led by my former postdoc Dan Griffin. I spoke to local Tucson news channel
KOLD about the 6th Assessment Report from the IPCC in 2021. I talked to Chris Conover at Arizona Public Media about
`monsoon whiplash' and the tree-ring record of extended North American monsoon failures and winter rainfall droughts. Journalist
Caitlin Ochs spent some time with us at the LTRR and we discussed
tree-ring evidence for past and present drought severity in the Colorado River basin. I helped CarbonBrief on their
feature of paleoclimate proxy data and how we study the climate of the past. I spoke to Jeff Tollefson at Nature about
the historical record of eclipses and volcanic eruptions in the Medieval period. I was quoted in t
his multimedia article in the Washington Post about how trees in Arizona have experienced the hottest year on record.
Links to articles about a specific publication are available on my Publications page.